Monday, September 30, 2019

Minorities Leaders

How Do Various Minorities Leaders Differ In Their Leadership Approaches? To me, there are no differences between the leadership approaches of minorities and majorities leaders. The minorities’ leaders also have their own leadership style depending on their traits and circumstances like all other leaders in the world. Leaders perform their roles in a wide multiplicity of styles, such as autocratic, democratic, participatory, laissez-faire (hands off), etc. Frequently the leadership style depends on the state of affairs, together with the life cycle of the association. There are circumstances where the Laissez-Faire leadership style can be successful. The Laissez-Faire technique is generally only suitable when leading a team of greatly aggravated and accomplished people, who have created outstanding performance in the past. Once leader either from minorities or majorities has recognized that one’s team is convinced, competent and provoked, it is frequently most excellent to step back and let them get on with the assignment, since interference can cause bitterness and detract from their success. (Dessler, 2001) By handing over possession, a leader can authorize one’s group to attain their objectives. The autocratic leader controls team-members, using unilateralism to attain a singular goal. This approach to leadership in general results in submissive confrontation from team members and requires persistent force and route from the leader in order to get assignments finished. Commonly, an authoritarian leadership style is not a superior way to get the paramount performance from a group of people. (Bridges, 2000) There are, though, a few illustrations where an autocratic style of leadership may not be unsuitable. Some circumstances may call for imperative action, and in these situations an autocratic style of leadership may be finest. Additionally, most people are proverbial with autocratic leadership and consequently have fewer troubles accepting this style. The democratic leader either from minorities or majorities finalizes decisions by discussing with the team, despite the fact that still sustaining authority on the group. The democratic leader permits his team to make a decision how the assignment will be handled and who will carry out which assignment. In conclusion, there are no differences between the leadership approaches of minorities and majorities leaders, References Bridges, William, and Susan Mitchell Bridges, (Spring 2000), â€Å"Leading Transition: A New Model for Change† Leader to Leader. 16: 30-36. Dessler, Gary. (2001), Management, Leading People and Organizations in the 21st Century, (2nd ed.), New Jersey: Prentice Hall, Inc.      

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Outline the concepts of just war and pacifism Essay

Outline the key concepts of Just War and Pacifism. A01 [21] The Just war theory maintains that war may be justified if fought only in certain circumstances, and only if certain restrictions are applied to the way in which war is fought. The theory that was first propounded by St Augustine of Hippo and St Ambrose of Milan ( 4th and 5th centuries AD) attempts to clarify two fundamental questions: ‘when is it right to fight?’ and ‘How should war be fought?’. Whereas Pacifists are people mainly Christians who reject the use of violence and the deliberate killing of civilians but claims that peace is intrinsically good and ought to be upheld either as a duty and that war can never be justifiable. However, Realists agree that, due to the nature of humans, force is a necessary action to be used to maintain a just and ordered society. Therefore, since the Second World War, people have turned their attention to Just War again establishing rules that can serve as guidelines to a just war- the Hague and Geneva conventions. Many Christians had taken the view that war may be justifiable under certain circumstances, and only if fought observing certain rules of conduct. Wars against the Muslim control of Jerusalem in the 11th-13th centuries were sometimes seen as holy wars which were popularly regarded as Crusades. Some philosophers based their justifications on the stories in the Bible. For example, St Paul in Romans 13:4 wrote that rulers are servants of God ‘†¦for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil’. In the 13th century, Thomas Aquinas gave an outline (the first three criteria of a just war) on the Justification of war and the kinds of acts that are allowed in a war in Summa Theologica. His ideas became the model of later scholars such as Franciso Suarez and Francisco de Vitoria. The first three conditions necessary for a just war were listed by Aquinas which included right authority, just cause and just intention. These and the three additional conditions that were later included, were referred to as ‘Jus ad Bellum’-rules about when it is right and just to go to war. Aquinas asserted that just authority meant that war could only be started by legitimate authority: ‘the authority of the sovereign by whose command the war is to be waged’. He wrote that sovereign authority which has been elected legitimately has the sole authority to declare war. This meant that, there can be no private armies of individuals who can start a war and, equally, an incompetent government or sovereign does not have the authority  to initiate war. Just cause, is considered to be one of the most important conditions of jus ad bellum. Aquinas once stated that, ‘†¦those who are attacked, should be attacked because they deserve it on account of some fault’. It was considered that self defence against physical aggression was the only sufficient reason for just cause. Finally, Aquinas wrote that the war fought with just intention, was to be for ‘the advancement of good, or the avoidance of evil’. Kant once said that sovereigns could not fight wars for immoral intentions only for good motives. During a state of conflict, right intention should mean for peace and reconciliation. Therefore, soldiers cannot use or encourage a hatred of a minority in war. Their intentions must always be virtuous. In the 16th and 17th century, Suarez and de Vitoria added three additional conditions: proportionality in the conduct of war, only entering war as a last resort, and only fighting when there is a reasonable chance of success. Hence when dealing with proportionality, a state should never wage war that causes relatively more suffering and destruction than the actual wrong done by the enemy. Therefore, in any case, excessive violence, death and damage should be avoided. For example, it was not proportionate for the atomic bombings of the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan that were conducted by the United States during the final stages of World War II in 1945. Additionally, all peaceful attempts at resolution must have been exhausted before violence is used. War cannot be chosen as a first response but as the last resort. Also, there should a reasonable chance of success during a war. It’s immoral to enter into a hopeless war, thus magnifying the suffering and loss for no constructive reason. There have always been rules of conduct in war, although such rules have often been ignored. In Christian tradition, there are conditions of conduct that limit the degree of destruction and who may or should not be killed. These conditions were referred to as Jus in Bello- rules governing how war should be fought. The principles include: only legitimate targets should be attacked, proportionality and that, agents of war should be responsible for their actions. An act of war aimed indiscriminately using chemical/biological weapons at the entire cities or of extensive areas along with their populations, is not only a crime against God but one against humanity and should be condemned. Also, it is unfair and unjust of attack non-combatants (civilians, or innocents) because it is against their right  and therefore they cannot be justly attacked. However, the Just war theory comes under criticism from those who advocate pacifism. They maintain that war is always wrong. Pacifism is described to be the opposition of all forms of violence as a means of settling disputes, either between individuals or between countries. The Christian argument for pacifism is based on Jesus’ teaching in the Sermon on the Mount where he rejected the option to use physical force even in defence of himself against unjust aggressors. An example includes the incident at Gethsemane where Jesus ordered Peter to drop his sword and not to resist the authorities (Matthew 26:52). Mennonites and Quakers are two groups that emphasise pacifism. Members of this group conscientiously object to violence and have been often persecuted as a result. They believe that Just war theory ignores the essential pacifist stance taken by Jesus. An absolute pacifist claims that it is never right to take part in war, even in self-defence. They believe that peace is intrinsically good and should be upheld whether as a duty or on that it is better for humans to live at peace than war. They think that the value of human life is so high that nothing can justify killing a person deliberately. These pacifists claim that they would prefer to die rather than raise their fists to protect themselves. This is because; killing in self-defence is ‘an evil that makes the moral value of the victim’s life less important than our own’. They rely on the fact that there can be no justification for killing which stems from the scriptures of the bible ‘thou shalt not kill’ (Exodus 20:13). Absolute pacifists usually hold this view as a basic moral or spiritual principle, without regard to the results of war or violence, however they could logically argue that violence always leads to worse results than non-violence in other words, there can never be any good that comes out of war or violence. On the other hand, Conditional Pacifists offer a more flexible approach which allows the use of violence under certain circumstances. Pacifism is a word defined by Martin Caedel to describe those who prefer peaceful conditions to war but accept that some wars may be necessary if they advance the cause of peace. Conditional pacifists usually base their moral code on Utilitarian principles – it’s the bad consequences that make it wrong to resort to war or violence. These pacifists accept that sometimes our duties to uphold peace and non-violence may conflict with the duty to save or defend lives against aggression.  Utilitarian pacifists claim that wars generally do not produce favourable results but in certain circumstances, they can be acceptable. Such examples may include wars to protect people from genocide. To conclude, the Just war theory accepts that human nature is evil and most often use force to maintain a just and ordered society. Therefore, past philosophers and the present generation have offered moral guidelines that serve as justifications for the act of war. Whereas, pacifism which firstly originated from Christians believe that war and the act of violence is intrinsically evil and that peace should be the resolution of all conflicts in the society. Comment on the views that a pacifist can never accept the principles of Just war A02 [9] Pacifism can never accept the principles of Just war due to their firm belief that, all violence or force should be forbidden. Additionally, some pacifists would argue that the advantages of the just war theory does outweigh the disadvantages simply on the ground that there is no morality towards violence and that there is no place for ethics in war. Firstly, the criteria for a just war is considered to be unrealistic and pointless because, once the combatants have gone into battle the results of the war are unpredictable and such soldiers are unlikely to adhere to any conditions of a just war making the moral guidelines irrelevant. Pacifists argue that the results of war will always be bad since there can never be any positive outcome in war because; it leaves more damage on peoples’ lives. For example, the holocaust that occurred during the Second World War left more harm on the victims rather than the justice the so-called Nazis were supposed to achieve. A pacifist would argue that it will be inhumane to the point of cruelty to suggest such an incident like the Holocaust was just to serve for the greater good. Therefore a pacifist would argue that war is a waste of resources given by God, a cause of immense suffering, including suffering of innocent people and they believe that war encourages greed, hatred and prejudice. Secondly, Pacifists believe that life has an absolute value. They argue that the indiscriminate mass destruction brought about by the use of nuclear and biological weapons violates the sacredness of human life. It is though that the social and moral damage caused by war is too great, and that it should be abandoned. They maintain that non-violence and non-resistance will change the minds of, or disarm those who use violence. Hence, Pacifists encourage non-violence  resistance will goes against the principles of a just war. However, the deontological objection to a just war is favoured by absolute pacifists. Similar to Reihnold Neibuhr’s (1932) claim; it is inevitable that humans are prone to violence or the act of violence simply because , human nature is evil(imperfect). This means that most Pacifists are most likely to have a consequential approach towards the matter. Jeff McMahan once pointed out that Pacifism is difficult to maintain as it places extraordinary limitations on individual rights and self-defence which, in an era of weapons of mass destruction and the practice of genocide, may ultimately appear unacceptable. For this reason, Pacifists may claim that wars generally do not produce more favourable results, in specific examples. They can be acceptable. Additionally, most Pacifists accept that if someone is threatened by a dangerous person then the use of violence can be permitted since it would be considered to be self-defence. Therefore, due to the inconsistencies evident in Pacifism, most Christians still accept that the use of violence can be justified in the society. To conclude, Pacifists do believe that the weaknesses of a just war theory does outweighs its strengths simply because, it lacks purpose and morality. However , others do have different views; which means that they actually accept the principles of the just war theory.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Finny The Great

Throughout the novel A Separate Peace by John Knowles, there were two dominant characters. Gene who is the narrator and Finny who is Gene’s best friend have a great relationship shown in A Separate Peace. Finny whose real name is Phineas has three qualities, manipulation, athleticism, and is a strong leader. Manipulation is shown all through the novel by Finny and is one of his best assets that he has. We see his manipulation skills from getting out of trouble when they skipped dinner to the time he made Gene first jump out of the tree. The reason sir is that we just had to jump out of that tree. You know that tree†¦because we’re all getting ready for the war†¦Mr. Prud’homme released his breath with a sort of amazed laugh, stared at Finny for awhile, and that was all there was to it’† (15,16). Finny, in this quote, gets Gene and himself out of trouble after they skipped dinner the night before and every time they get in trouble. In the Super Suicide Society of the Summer Session he persuades Gene to go on the jump every night even though Gene does not want to and would rather study. Finny is an incredible athlete, modest, and is very brave, this is shown through his breaking of the long-standing school swimming record and not wanting to show off his talent. Another athletic move Finny makes is inventing a new game called blitzball during the summer classes, which they play all the time. When Finny breaks his leg and is never able to play sports again it devastates him. â€Å"‘Listen, pal, if I cant play sports, you’re going to play them for me’† (77). When Finny says this his anger is so high since he cannot play sports that he ant someone else to play for him to have that security of sports still around him. Throughout the novel Finny shows great leadership. Everything done by Finny and his friends he is leading. When they made up Blitzball he was the one who made up the rules and tells Gene and their friends how to play the game. â€Å"‘Now Leper has just brought out a really important fine point of the game. The receiver can refuse a pass if he happens to choose to. Sine we’re all enemies, we can and will turn on each other all the time. We call that the Lepellier Refusal’† 30). Finny has a knack for leading people and does this when they first start the Super Suicide Society of the Summer Session. Without Phineas using his charismatic attitude, athleticism and his leadership skills the novel would be very boring. Finny `s charismatic attitude shown all throughout the novel helps him get the things he wants and has excitement in the novel. His athleticism makes him competitive and makes up the game of the summer blitzball. Finny has great leadership skills so he can manipulate people and get what he wants from his friends.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Managing Human Resources (assign to Writer# 4592 or 3665) Essay

Managing Human Resources (assign to Writer# 4592 or 3665) - Essay Example ss has been suggested for National Lewis and Clark Corporation (NL&C) in consultation with different department heads, which can be consistent among all departments and which will drive company performance. The first requirement is to have a carefully structured system of appraisal where individuals do not judge the work performance of others. Different department heads should maintain record and describe in clear, concrete, objective language what occurred--who, what, where, when, and how rather than stating interpretations (Foster). Feelings expressed increases the responsibilities of the HR directors who have to review and correct the evaluations. It can also create motivational, ethical, and legal problems (ANA, 2006). Periodic interviews based on performance documentation would help to examine and discuss the performance while identifying strengths and weakness as well as oppurtunities for improvement and development. Appraisals should not be linked to rewards because this encourages biased appraisals. It also holds back an employee from discussing his weaknesses. To bring uniformity in appraisals, rating scales should be used where each employee is appraised on the same criteria and which allows ratings to be easily compared and contrasted. The rating-scale traits should be standardized so that they are relevant to all departments. It should not contain any traits that are specific to one department. A specific time should be allotted to give ratings so that department heads do not give false ratings under time constraints and other work pressure. They should be made to take the appraisals as a project so that justice is done to the employee. They should be encouraged to give an objective description and if necessary we can train the department heads to write the performance documentation. Human beings have a tendency to see what they want to see in a person and this cannot be eliminated but can be reduced to a great extent. Management by Objectives

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Introduction to Networking Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 9

Introduction to Networking - Essay Example In this architecture, the stations are joined in a ring topology. A token is usually used in preventing any collisions, which might be present (Beasley, 2008). In the passing of data, each work station passes information to the following workstation until data resumes to the source. In this architecture, there must be a server. Just like Token Ring architecture, FDDI uses tokens to control collisions. The difference comes in the number of rings used in the FDDI architecture (Day, 2007). The FDDI uses dual rings. The dual rings consist of a secondary as well as a primary ring. The primary ring transmits data while secondary ring remains idle during operation. Traffic on the dual rings flows on counter directions (Beasley, 2008). The following illustration shows FDDI architecture with all stations functioning. The Apple Talk architecture provides internetworking of computers and other outer devices using Local Talk media and also allows access to network services like printers and file servers (Day, 2007). The Apple Talk architecture has well defined interfaces in between layers. Zones, networks, sockets and nodes form the basic components of an Apple Talk network. This presented in the illustration below. This architecture consists of data packets and switches, which transfer data using fixed length 53 byte cells (Day, 2007). A patch is usually setup with the establishment of ATM circuits. The patch remains until the connection is completed. ATM aggregators run networks, which consolidate information traffic from several feeders (Beasley, 2008). The illustration below shows ATM

Public finance Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Public finance - Research Paper Example The main aim of any social security measure is to provide the confidence for individuals and families that their quality of life would not be eroded by economic or social eventuality. It includes sickness, old age, family, unemployment, maternity, invalidity benefits, and medical care. In democratic countries, implementation of welfare schemes for the vulnerable groups such as children, women, and aged people with disabilities is the political necessity of the society (â€Å"Vito Tanzi’’). People of the country need security against certain possible risks to which they are perennially exposed. The family is the oldest and the primary institution of social security. The situation leads to need for social security differs from place to place. In Europe, industrial revolution which concentrated at urban and industrial centers affected the rural folk badly by disturbing the institution of social security in the joint family system. When an individual was unable to take car e of his/her family, society comes forward to protect them while realizing the importance of social security. In United Kingdom, laws were enacted for providing minimal food and shelter in a workhouse to the poor. Along with these, additional economic and social security measures such as private savings, private insurance, life insurance, mutual aid, mutual benefit schemes, and compensation by employers’ medieval guilds were implemented both by government and private sectors (â€Å"Madhava Rao’’). Social security The need for social security support for any country is greater than ever. Governments should provide protection for their citizen against economic risks in the form of economic benefits and tax credits. These may help families with the costs of bringing up children and enable to save for retirement which provides support for them in their old age. In the way governments so far ruled Britain took many steps to redistribute income to alleviate poverty, and help people to maintain living standards. Since 1997, governments carried out major changes in both policy and administration to reform the social security and tax systems with the purpose of modernizing the welfare state. In social security, mainly two basic entitlements, viz, human rights and citizenship rights were becoming an important factor. Both these together include economic, social and cultural rights (â€Å"Julia Griggs’’). Human rights are generally universal and unconditional. They have seen as placing responsibilities towards an individual. On the other hand, citizenship rights are related to membership of a particular country. General citizenship includes the responsibilities such as paying taxes, care for children, and uphold the law. However, the terms and conditions of rights and responsibilities differ from country to country as some countries spend more on social security and their demanding conditions match with generous rights. Both human rig hts and rights of citizenship have been used as arguments for economic, social as well as cultural rights. Adding, the right to social security involves the right to gain access and maintain benefits. Public Finance Public finance generally deals with the finances of the government which includes the rising and disbursement of its funds, and is concerned with the operation of the public treasury. In recent days, the study of public finance is increasingly assuming importance as it is a matter of

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Market Review Exercise Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Market Review Exercise - Dissertation Example Service proliferation comes from the increasing number of services offered by the financial in their search for new avenues of revenue generation. The search for new avenues of revenue generation by the financial sector has also resulted in growing competition among the various financial organizations in the financial sector. A key reason for the proliferation of financial services is the trend in favour of government de-regulation or the loosening of the control strings of the government on the financial sector. One of the reasons for the deregulation of the financial sector is for the ordinary citizen to earn more interest on savings and this has resulted in the trend for interest sensitive mix of funds. Developments in the field of information technology are used as tools for sharpening the competitive edge among the players in the financial, and also allow the many new services offered to ride piggyback on technology changes including automation. Effective use of the automation p ut in place requires generation of high volumes of sales, which means increased customer base and as a result the trend in consolidation and global expansion. ... Differences between Building Societies and Banks Building societies are mutual institutions in which a major portion of the having a savings account in the building society or a mortgage from the building society are members and in essence operate in the financial markets as financial services providers for meeting housing finance needs. Banks on the other financial enterprises in many cases hold public investment as stocks on which revenue has to be derived for paying out to the stock holders and so offer a plethora of financial services in the market towards revenue generation. Building societies are not so strongly governed by profit motives and so their services for housing purposes tend to be offered at lower costs; however they have a drawback in that there is a limit of 50% of their funds that they can seek from the wholesale market. However, in the new millennium these differences are getting blurred, because of the cross provision of financial services that has seen building societies indulging in selling insurance, unit trust and other such long term investment products and banks also offering competition in these services (Spencer, 2000). Current Building Society Trends By incorporating as public limited companies, building societies are able to overcome the limitations that they have in access to capital from the financial markets. This has seen the trend among building societies to become public limited companies. Such a move also helps them to overcome the restrictions of the UK Building Societies Act and face the challenge of reduced demand for housing finance. To offset the reduced demand for housing financial services, the trend after incorporation as public limited companies is to move into new areas of financial services

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Energy Policy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Energy Policy - Essay Example In response to reduce the pollution caused by these gases several attempt have been put in place yet the pollution is on the increase. Therefore, this paper will seek explore the available alternatives to help in the decision and identified the most feasible in all the aspects economically, socially, and politically (Meridian Corp, 1989). In order to address these challenges effectively there are various ways that have been proposed to be adopted to help in the implementation process. They include among others emission standards for vehicles, cap and trade and tort laws. The emission standards for vehicles for regulate the kind of gases that are produces by the vehicles this help to remove the unworthy vehicles that transmit fumes in the air that cause difficulty in breathing hence become life hazard to human beings in the. The caps and trade are mostly used in to control sulphuric emissions from the power plant. The emission of gases in the air contributes much to the depletion of the ozone layer that reflects the radiation from the sun, hence, preventing the scorching effects from the sun (Weil, 1991). The other form is tort law that regulates energy developers like hydrofracking operation contaminating the stream. The affluent disposed in the water systems are regulated by the law in that the waste must be treated before they are drained into the nearby rivers this help to prevent the killing of the microorganism in the water and human being that depend on the stream for domestic purposes. The best way to deal with energy externalities such as smog is to use market-based strategies like trade cap and trade and emission taxes. When the taxes are charged on the pollution caused by the environment, very many people would not like to incur the cost and will reduce the emission in the air. This method treats the pollutant equally. The more one pollutes the environment, the more he

Monday, September 23, 2019

The effect of Salbutamol on the response of Ileum to Acetylcholine Essay

The effect of Salbutamol on the response of Ileum to Acetylcholine - Essay Example This clearly implies that there is no significant effect of sulbutamol on the way the ileum responds to acetylechline. However, there is a significant effect of the sulbutamol on the way ileum responds to nicotine. This desensitisation was purely characterised by increasing values of EC (50) of nicotine without a change in its maximal effect. This thus implies that treatment of ileum with salbutamol after exposure to the acetylcholine, had little desensitisation while treatment of ileum with salbuamol after exposure to nicotine caused some larger increase in the Nicotine-mediated phoshoinositide hydrolysis. Response to question 2. Salbutamol could be referred to as an adrenergic agonist receptor, which is used to reduce the effects of bronchospasm in diseases like asthma. It is also used in the treatment of cystic fibrosis, pulmozyme, acetylcysteine, and iprptropium that is linked to DOK-7. As an example of a beta2-agonist, sulbutanol can also be used in obstetrics. The salbutamol th at is intravenous could be utilised as a tocolytic in relaxing the smooth muscles of the uterus, and hence delay premature labour. This has made sulbutamol be the most preferred agent. In the context of this experiment, salbutamol antagonist’ caused a parallel shift of the given dose response curve.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

The Sweet Old Lady Called Grandma Essay Example for Free

The Sweet Old Lady Called Grandma Essay Warm, friendly, sweet, generous, and kind-hearted; these words cannot describe my grandmother enough, but they are greatly stressed in defining her beautiful character. Her short, black hair resulted in frizzy hair due to her frequent hair-dying. When walking by the kitchen I would see a tiny head of thick hair leveled with the counter, which reminded my grandmother and everyone else of how short she was. Her thin wrinkles extended and multiplied near the corners of her eyes and around her mouth when she smiled and revealed fairly straight and white teeth for a grandmother. I found her smile shy, cute, sweet, and friendly. Her brown eyes reminded me of the same eyes searching for me in the endless games of hide and seek years ago as a little child. My grandmother wasn’t your classic grandmother. She didn’t knit scarves, do jig-saw puzzles, or sew up socks. Things she did find enjoyable doing was cooking and reading her Bible. You would know my grandmother is in the house if you smell deliciousness walking through the front door. Other than cooking, my grandmother cleaned up around the house, prayed, or read her Bible for the rest of the time. My grandmother doesn’t have the best memory but she recalls reading the whole bible at least one-hundred times. She was very close in her relationship with God and cared for everyone around her. As far as I would know, my grandmother had no long-holding grudges held against her. My grandmother would also spend well over an hour in prayer for people she hardly knew. I would know because she would lecture me after prayers telling me to love my neighbors as she recited verses from the Bible. My grandmother was like a gem that was beautiful both inside and out. She shined through every corner and side, reflecting happy beams of light everywhere she went. Her presence was extremely illuminating and happiness would spread around her like dominoes heaving each other over to an inevitable collapse. Every single time I had something to ask my grandmother, she presented me a welcoming smile on her face and asked me to sit down as I would start.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Review of Resisted Sled Towing for Sprint Training

Review of Resisted Sled Towing for Sprint Training Sprinting consists of three phases: acceleration phase, transition phase and a maximal velocity phase (Cronin Hansen, 2006). Acceleration is a major component in making a successful performance in many different sports and it can also be seen as potentially pivotal in determining the outcome of a sports game. Therefore training for acceleration is an essential component of many athletes’ strength and conditioning programme (Kraemer et al. 2000). When choosing methods to improve sprinting certain parameters need to be considered. The acceleration phase includes a longer stance time, increased trunk and knee flexion and greater propulsive forces (Kraemer et al. 2000). The muscular structure of the lower leg needs to have the necessary capacity to contribute to the acceleration performance and this is done through specific strength training activities. When an athlete improves strength, it produces greater force and decreased ground contact time which increases stride frequency (Spinks et al. 2007). Various training modalities including sprint loading improve the elastic energy during the support sage of the sprint cycle, increasing stride length. Resisted sprint training is a basic conditioning method used by coaches to lengthen running stride (Makarur et al. 2013). It is carried out by adding an external load to the athlete, such as pulling a tyre, a loaded sled, running up hill or using parachutes. Hunter et al. (2005) observed that running velocity and increasing strength are greatly increased by resisted sprint training due to the increased strength and power of the leg extensor muscles in the acceleration phase. This critical review will analyse previous studies and their findings when using resisted sprint training using weighted sleds on athletes. Lockie (2003) and Letzelter et al. (1995) stated that towing causes acute changes in sprint kinematics of acceleration phase. Certain loads may be more appropriate for sprints performed from a block start compared to a standing start. Mero and Komi (1990) found mean contact time of foot to floor in the acceleration phase after a block start to range from 0.15s to 0.22s. This coincides with Spinks et al. (2007) findings of decreased contact time of first step of acceleration phase in the resisted sprint group of 11.8% and recording 0.15s to 0.19s contact time. Spinks et al. (2007) also found that the biggest increase in overall velocity was achieved in the 0-5m interval. Rimmer and Sleivert (2000) found that carrying out 8 weeks of sprint and plyometric training improves the velocity over the first 10m of the sprint. However Kafer et al. (1993) studied resisted sled training and found that there was a significant improvement of 0.35 seconds (P Harridge et al. (1998) found that resisted sled towing can alter myosin heavy chain expression of muscle fibres. Increases in speed occur due to a shift in fibre type distribution and speed of shortening cycle which might contribute to increased power generation. 8.4% significant increases were found on resisted sprint trained athletes when compared to a control group (Spinks et al. 2007). If power output of knee extensors are increased, improved ground contact time results in greater propulsive acceleration efforts. However Maclean () disproved this as he found that after testing this hypothesis across 6 weeks of training increase in muscle performance occurred without any significant change in myosin heavy chain or fibre type distribution. Letzelter et al. (1995) after studying 16 female sprint performances found that performance was decreased by 8% and 22% respectively for the loads of 2.5 kg and 10 kg. Results showed that this was predominantly due to the reduced stride length in athletes. Decreases in stride length by 5.3% and 13.5%, stride frequency 2.4% with 2.5 kg load and 6.2% with a 10 kg load. Across all loads were found to be an increased stance time to lean and hip flexion angle. Lockie et al. (2003) reported similar findings when testing 20 males’ field sport athletes. Athletes performed 15m sprints using no resistance, 12.6% or 32.2% of body mass load. These were chosen as previous findings show a decrease in 10/20% of max velocity. Decrease in stride length of 10% +24% were documented. Stride frequency was only found to decrease by 6% in each load. In agreement with Leztler et al. (1995). Makurak et al. (2013) found running stride length increased in their resisted sled training group when compared to the standard training group. Findings were also supported by Delecluse (1997). Increasing stride length is said to be the result of performing fuller extension at the knee found by the increased knee angle at toe off. This change could be directly due to the strength between hip and knee extensors. Bhowmick and Bhattacharyya (1988) suggest the horizontal acceleration of the arm swing increases stride length and during ground contact time the vertical element enhances the leg drive. Ropret et al. (1988) tested adding load to the athlete’s arms however no significant reduction in initial acceleration over 30 m was found. Lockie et al. (2003) state that 32.2% body mass was better for the development of upper body action. As the load increases shoulder range of motion increases. However Spinks et al. (2007) in terms of their study of upper-body kinematics found that it had little impact on acceleration performance. The critical analysis of various studies showed that results were contradictory. More investigations into optimal load, changes in strength shortening cycle and training distances should be undertaken to find ideal training focus. References Bhowmick, S., Bhattacharyya, A. (1988) ‘Kinematicanalysis of arm movements in sprint start.’ Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness; Vol: 28: pp315–323. Cronin, J., Hansen, K. (2006) ‘Resisted sprint training for the acceleration phase of sprinting’ Journal of Strength and Conditioning; Vol: 28 (4), pp.42-51 Delecluse, G. (1997) ‘Influence of strength training on sprint running performance: Current findings and implications for training’ Journal of Sports Medicine; Vol. 24 (3), pp.147-156, Harridge, S.., Bottinelli, R., Canepari, M., Pellegrino, M., Reggiani, C., Esbjornsson, M., Balsom, P.,Saltin, B. (1998) ‘Sprint Training, In Vitro and In Vivo Muscle Function, and Myosin Heavy Chain Expression’. Journal of Applied Physiology; Vol 84: pp.442-449. Hunter, J., Marshall, R., McNair, P. (2005) ‘Relationships between ground reaction force impulse and kinematics of sprint-running acceleration.’ Journal of Applied Biomechanics; Vol: 21(1), pp.31-34 Kafer, R. Adamson, G., O’Conner, M., Faccioni, A.(1993) ‘Methods of maximising speed development’ Strength and Conditioning Coach; Vol. 1, pp.9-11 Kraemer, W., Ratamess, N., Volek, J., Mazzettil, S., Gomez, A. (2000) ‘The effect of the Meridian Shoe on vertical jump and sprint performances following short-term combined plyometric/sprint and resistance training.’ Journal Strength Conditioning Research. Vol; 14: pp.228–238 Lockie, R., Murphy, A., Spinks, C. (2003) ‘Effects of resisted sled towing on sprint kinematics in field sport athletes;. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research; Vol 17: pp760-767 Mero, A., Komi, P. (1990) ‘Reaction time and electromyographic activity during a sprint start.’ European. Journal of Applied. Physiology and Occupational. Physiology; Vol: 61:pp. 73–80. Rimmer, E., Sleivert, G. (2000) ‘Effects of a plyometrics intervention program on sprint performance.’ Journal of Strength and Conditioning. Research; Vol. 14: pp. 295–301. ROPRET, R., M. KUKOLJ, D. UGARKOVIC, D.MATAVULJ, AND S. JARIC. ‘Effect of arm and leg loading on sprint performance.’ European Journal of Applied Physiology and Occupational Physiology; Vol: 77: pp.547–550. Spinks, C., Murphy, A., Spinks, W., Lockie, R. (2007) ‘The effects of resisted sprint training on acceleration performance and kinematics in soccer, rugby union and Australian football players’ Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research; Vol: 21 (1), pp.77-85

Friday, September 20, 2019

Sex and Mans Struggle Against Nature :: science

Sex and Man's Struggle Against Nature In "Sex and Violence, or Nature and Art," Camille Paglia claims nature is inherently stronger than society. "Society is an artificial construction, a defense against nature's power.a system of inherited forms reducing our humiliating passivity to nature." (Writing in the Disciplines 572) I agree with the majority of Paglia's opinions, however, I believe that there are points that could have been elaborated on more substantially. In this essay, Paglia states that man is born evil and it is society's job to condition him to be a good, moral person. Paglia would disagree with someone who said the reason a person murdered was because he grew up in a bad section of town, or his home life left something to be desired. On the contrary, Paglia claims it is the inner evil, the "nature," of the person to kill, and it is society's lack of conditioning that releases this savage response. "Society is not the criminal but the force which keeps crime in check." (Writing in the Disciplines 574) She claims no matter how much a person sinks into religion, or their society, nature will always have the upper hand. Paglia believes if man is left to his natural instincts, with no threat of society's punishment, he will be evil and commit evil deeds. In society, sexual urges can often influence a person's morality, making him second-guess his values for the sake of sexual pleasure. She also goes on to say, "getting back to nature. would be to give free rein to violence and lust." (Writing in the Disciplines 573-574) I agree that this scenario is a possible outcome, but Paglia fails to mention that with out society we would have no idea, which deeds were evil and which were not. It is society that has set the limits and told us what is evil. Before men were grouped together in societies, they roamed free with no idea of right and wrong. It wasn't until man made up his religion with its rules, regulations and laws that he had a conscious idea of evil. But I do agree with Paglia that nature is the stronger force, and no matter how much we try to fool ourselves into believing that society or religion can save us from the torment of nature, we will always be reminded of mother nature's force. "Civilized man conceals from himself the extent of his subordination to nature.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Network Security Essay -- Technology, Computers

Network Security Network security is a problem that network administrators face. It is something that network administrators should keep a careful eye on. For example, if the home network does not have any security measures in place, then the person is at a high risk of data loss due to hacking. Network security is something that businesses do not take very lightly because they want to protect their valuable information and network resources from hackers. It is a problem because of unauthorized use and can be resolved by increasing the security encryption levels. Networks, including the internet, are one of the most essential things to businesses. Without computer networks, companies would be lost and would not have a way to communicate without these systems and this would cause businesses to operate slower (Network 1). Patch works of older networking systems are easier to find these days (Network 1). Starting relationships between many businesses, networks in many ways become synonymous with the groups and businesses they bring together (Network 1). Business employees, customers, and business partners would have available access to their information stored in network systems, could get to their network systems and share them easily among themselves (â€Å"Network† 1). Computer networks give their owners speed, ability to connect, and ultimately value to their users. They give possible solutions for business difficulties and issues that would not be possible to other businesses (Network 1). Computer networking systems are requir ed for electronic communications. (Network 1) As time moves on, businesses’ spend a ton of money on computer systems that are used to manage various functions such as accounting, human resources... ...ained. (Kolakowski 2) â€Å"Now I can create spheres where workers manage their corporate email accounts and connections to the CRM to do their real work. The advantages of that architecture is that the user has greater separation between work and personal business, and isolation enhances security.† (â€Å"10 Problems 36) In the future of network security, there will be fingerprint readers. There will also be stronger encryption levels. Lastly, there will also be facial recognition software to protect the security of networks in the future and then again some hacker will gain access to it and start hacking it once more. Network security is something that network administrators must not take lightly. They must be aware of the causes that make network security an issue. Lastly, they must be aware of the problems and solutions to issues in network security situations. Network Security Essay -- Technology, Computers Network Security Network security is a problem that network administrators face. It is something that network administrators should keep a careful eye on. For example, if the home network does not have any security measures in place, then the person is at a high risk of data loss due to hacking. Network security is something that businesses do not take very lightly because they want to protect their valuable information and network resources from hackers. It is a problem because of unauthorized use and can be resolved by increasing the security encryption levels. Networks, including the internet, are one of the most essential things to businesses. Without computer networks, companies would be lost and would not have a way to communicate without these systems and this would cause businesses to operate slower (Network 1). Patch works of older networking systems are easier to find these days (Network 1). Starting relationships between many businesses, networks in many ways become synonymous with the groups and businesses they bring together (Network 1). Business employees, customers, and business partners would have available access to their information stored in network systems, could get to their network systems and share them easily among themselves (â€Å"Network† 1). Computer networks give their owners speed, ability to connect, and ultimately value to their users. They give possible solutions for business difficulties and issues that would not be possible to other businesses (Network 1). Computer networking systems are requir ed for electronic communications. (Network 1) As time moves on, businesses’ spend a ton of money on computer systems that are used to manage various functions such as accounting, human resources... ...ained. (Kolakowski 2) â€Å"Now I can create spheres where workers manage their corporate email accounts and connections to the CRM to do their real work. The advantages of that architecture is that the user has greater separation between work and personal business, and isolation enhances security.† (â€Å"10 Problems 36) In the future of network security, there will be fingerprint readers. There will also be stronger encryption levels. Lastly, there will also be facial recognition software to protect the security of networks in the future and then again some hacker will gain access to it and start hacking it once more. Network security is something that network administrators must not take lightly. They must be aware of the causes that make network security an issue. Lastly, they must be aware of the problems and solutions to issues in network security situations.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Education Reform Essay -- Education

Ideas swarm around us everyday. They run through our heads and at times they alter our thoughts, believes, and perception. The question is, what ideas, events, or words affect us so that we do the things we do and say the things we say. If we understand the causes and know the effects, we have yet to fully understand the â€Å"chain.† In essence, the real question is not â€Å"what† ideas, events, or words affected the person but rather â€Å"why† it affected them. To understand the why, we must first understand the initial cause and effect. George Santayana’s philosophies found in his essays, â€Å"Intellectual Ambition† and â€Å"Intuitive Morality,† were enthused by the rise of education and change in literature during the time. The cause and effect can be as simple as the rise of education and such forth brought Santayana to write these essays; however, with the lack of detail, the lack of evidence, and no answer to why these things affected his writing, it is impossible to complete the chain of cause and effect. Basically, the causes, effects, details, and evidence must first be analyzed then organized in order to understand the question of why. During the late 1880s and early 1890s, reforms in education allowed for a more open view of education and the world sparking creativity and independence in schools. (America Past and Present, paraphrase) The world, especially the United States, was beginning to understand that through creativity and education beyond the core subjects the spectrum of knowledge known would spread beyond regions imaginable. The curiosity spread through out the U.S and eventually influenced many great people, one being George Santayana. In his essay, â€Å"Intellectual Ambition,† Santayana signifies the strength of creativity and... ...Works Cited Santayana, George. â€Å"Intellectual Ambition.† The Oxford Book of Essays. Oxford University Press. ED. John Gross. 1991. 341-342 Santayana, George. â€Å"Intuitive Morality.† The Oxford Book of Essays. Oxford University Press. ED. John Gross. 1991. 342-345 Saatkamp, Herman, "George Santayana." The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Fall 2010 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.) . â€Å"Chapter 19: Towards an Urban Society, 1877-1900.† America: Past and Present. Ed. Michael Boezi. 8th edition. New York: Pearson Longman, 2007. 538-570 â€Å"Chapter 20: Political Realignment in 1890s.† America: Past and Present. Ed. Michael Boezi. 8th edition. New York: Pearson Longman, 2007. 572-598 â€Å"George Santayana.† Britannica. 2005. 17 Jan. 2006 .

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Islamic Studies †Death and Disease Essay

Death and disease occur all around us; they are universal human experiences. Muslims look upon death as a transitional phase between this life and the next. Since ‘the enjoyment of the present life is but little as compared with the hereafter’ a true Muslim shall not fear death. Death and disease are both necessary methods of biological control, without which problems such as overpopulation would be widespread. They also allow us to appreciate life and good health respectively, without which our society is likely to take a lot more for granted. The classic theistic view of this life being a test by God is one upheld by Muslims. In perspective of this, disease is principally viewed as one of the ways of carrying out this test – the ultimate reward for which being paradise. A practical utopia in which there is no suffering would lead to a world of automata; one in which our freedom would be undermined and thus nullifying the test for which we were placed on earth. Those of us who abuse this freedom and live for this life alone shall be punished by Allah, some remaining in hell for eternity. This can be seen by some to conflict with God’s mercy as it may seem harsh, however Muslims take the view that it is necessary so as to differentiate fully between good and evil, awarding each only what they deserve. Disease can be one of the means of coming to death and is an experience that comes to us all. It can be seen to have several purposes depending on the circumstances. The following verse illustrates Muslim’s views on life being a test: â€Å"He who has created death and life that he might try you-which of you is best in deeds.† In order to be tested we must undergo hardship- disease being one example. Those with patience and who affirm their faith whilst saying as all who are suffering should: â€Å"Surely to Allah we belong and to Him shall we return† are those who will have succeeded in the test. Those who blame Allah and result in blasphemy or kufr are those who will have failed. This test is essential as it allows differentiation between the latter and the former. The word test in Arabic can also mean misfortune, an example of which being disease, which has other purposes besides being a test. Yet only Allah is able to assess these purposes and thus we are only able to make generalised comments. For the believer, disease or more generally misfortune is a bounty from Allah as it can be a means of purification of sins and also enduring disease increases our reward. The prophet was reported to have said: ‘You are not a believer until you see misfortune to be a bounty and good fortune to be undesirable’ This is because many of those who are given the ‘illusory’ pleasures of this life stray from the right path, for as we know ‘power corrupts.’ All misfortune to believers is of benefit. A Muslim scholar was reported to have said. â€Å"God did not cause disease upon a Muslim in this life but that it will be of benefit to him.† Thus it is common that Allah gives Muslims the most misfortune, they are suffering from disease in all parts of the world- yet it shall be of benefit to them. Yet why are those non-believers not usually tested equally? It is because they have already failed in their test- Satan needs not spend time with those who are already corrupt. The Prophet peace be upon him was reported to have said: â€Å"The greater Allah’s love for a person the harder is his test† Thus there is a hierarchy of misfortune, the greatest being upon the greatest of us, notably the prophets. Yet for the disbeliever the hereafter begins to manifest itself in this life. Disease can be seen as a just punishment brought upon by themselves: â€Å"And whatever misfortune befalls you, is due to what your own hands have wrought† A contemporary example of this being the sexually transmitted diseases present in today’s ever-increasing promiscuous society. Surely AIDS and the like of it were brought about by ‘their own hands’? However, the above verse does not apply to true Muslims as the following explains: When Ali, son of Hussein-the grandson of the Prophet, was taken to Yazid to be tortured by him, Yazid said â€Å"And whatever misfortune†¦.hands† Ali replied, â€Å"This verse is not concerning us (me), that which is regarding us is ‘There befalls no misfortune either in the earth or in your own persons, but it is recorded in a Book before We bring it into being’ † Thus Muslims are expected to be patient and to endure disease. Islam has taken various measures to help those with disease. The Quran rightly says, â€Å"There is no inconvenience for the sick.† This is reflected in the fact that those who are ill do not need to fast, those who have a bad leg may sit whilst praying and many other examples. Others with disease should be treated with sympathy, compassion and kindness. Yet the disease of physiological bearing is insignificant when compared with the misfortune that is the spiritual disease. Those who are ‘ill’ from within are thus also suffering from disease, yet their disease is one of choice. The Quran describes those who are spiritually sick in the following way: â€Å"In their hearts was a disease, and Allah has increased their disease.† Death is an experience that all of us will go through, as Allah reiterates in the holy Qur’an on three separate occasions: â€Å"Every soul shall taste of death† Muslims believe that every person on earth is given a specific time in which to live, thus ‘no person can die except by Allah’s leave- a decree with a fixed term.’ With this in mind, Muslims should not fear the future. If a person’s time has come, there is no evading Azrai’l, the angel of death: â€Å"Say, ‘If you had remained in your homes, surely those who on whom death had been enjoined would have gone forth to their deathbeds.† With the belief that our lives are not our own possessions and that only Allah has the right to take life from us, homicide, suicide and euthanasia are forbidden in Islam. Also, excessive mourning and lavish graves are also forbidden. Yet how can Muslims believe in life after death? Is it possible that after decaying in the earth we can be brought back to life? There are many ways in which this belief may be justified. One way takes the form of an experimental argument entirely based on physical research, John Hick suggests that â€Å"even if we discount the entire range of physical phenomena it remains true that the best cases of trance utterance are puzzling, and taken at face value are indicative of survival and communication after death.â €  There are also countless philosophical arguments notably in Plato’s Phaedo or in the works of Socrates that may also account for the practicability of resurrection. Yet the argument presented in the Quran, in my opinion, is the most direct and feasible. The argument put forward in surat Yasin is self-explanatory: â€Å"Does not man see that We have created him from a mere sperm drop? Yet lo! He is an open quarreller†¦. He says ‘Who can resurrect the bones when they are decayed?† Say, ‘He who created them the first time will resurrect them†¦ Verily his command when he intends a thing is only that He says to it, ‘Be’ and it is.† Death signifies the end of our worldly life. It is the parting of the material and non- material forms; the body and the soul. The soul, or al-Nafs, differentiates man from the rest of creation, constituting humans to be the ‘crown’ of Allah’s creation. Muslims believe that Allah only gi ves to us what is just, similarly our dying is a means of justice; for us and others. Death is a necessity and not just a reality, this is highlighted in the following hadith: Prophet Muhammad was reported to have said: â€Å"A tribe once approached the prophet of their time and said, ‘Pray to your Lord that death shall no longer be bestowed upon us. And so the prophet prayed and Allah no longer bestowed upon them death. As the years passed, the population grew until the houses became cramped and the generations many. Men were no longer able to go out and work as they spent their time feeding, washing and cleaning their parent, grand parents, great grand parents†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ And so the tribe went back to their prophet and asked that he pray Allah return death and death was returned† Death can also be understood on different levels. Let us consider the following verse: â€Å"Only those who listen can accept. And as for the dead, Allah will raise them to life, then to Him shall they be brought back† Yet is not resurrection the same as being brought back to life? So why has Allah said that He ‘will raise them to life then to Him shall they be brought back.† The distinction here can be interpreted as meaning those who do not listen (to Allah), but are physically alive, are spiritually dead. Similarly those of whom one may think to be dead may also be alive: â€Å"Think not of those, who have been slain in the cause of Allah as dead. Nay they are living in the presence of their Lord and are granted gifts from him.† For the believer, death can be seen as a purification of his sins, it is the last pain that a pious Muslim shall endure, but for the non-believer it is the first of an eternity of suffering. One Muslim scholar stated that for the true believer, ‘Death is a journey from a prison to a palace’, as â€Å"the life of this world is nothing but an illusory enjoyment† . Yet death can also be seen as a mercy for non-believers: â€Å"Death signifies a rest for he who obeyed his desires in this life, for surely the longer he lived the greater would be his punishment.† From the countenance of the angel of death, Azra’il, one can tell where he shall reside. It is said that upon death we are shown our position in heaven or hell. For the believer the soul will depart easily, however the non-believer says ‘My Lord, send me back that I may do righteous deeds in the life that I have left behind’ and the soul departs in a struggle. Yet death is an irrevocable barrier. It is true that our souls leave our bodies every night when we are asleep, yet ‘He retains those against which he has decreed death, and sends back the others till an appoi nted time.’ And so after our death we are unable to acquire any more reward, except, as the Prophet Muhammad said, â€Å"From three things are we able to obtain reward after our death; A charity, knowledge given to others and noble offspring. At death we are in a transition state between this life and the hereafter, known as al- Barzakh. The Quran describes those in the ‘Barzakh’ as being Sakra or in a state of stupor. There they will be questioned as to what they did in this life. Punishment or reward starts in this state yet in a non-material form until the Day of Judgement where both body and soul will be resurrected. The practical implications of death to a Muslim are that he must realise that life has a purpose; the hereafter. And thus Muslims should use their time on this earth as efficiently as possible, aiming to fulfil this purpose before the toll of death is upon us. This is reiterated by all the pious men of Islam. The fourth caliph, Ali Ibn Abu Talib’s (peace be upon him) words should be adhered to by all: â€Å"Live for this life as if you are to live forever, and live for the hereafter as if you were to die tomorrow.† To make full use of these implications, death should be constantly in our minds. To fully understand why Allah allows his servants to suffer from disease, we may consider other views on this topic. The problem of suffering has lead many to disbelieve In Allah. There are three main classic theistic views on this matter. One approach taken by Christian Science, according to its founder himself is that ‘Sin, disease, whatever seems real to material sense is unreal.’ The argument being that suffering does not really exist. Another approach put forward by Swinburne and Hick focuses on the notion that all evil is punishment which is justly inflicted by god. Another view, according to Alvin Platinga says that all suffering comes from the abuse of free will. With regards to disease he proposes that non-human persons have caused us disease by abusing their freedom. Yet all three views can be seen to be flawed. The first view, probably is the most ridiculous of all, and yet even i f ‘one could rationally defend this odd conclusion†¦even if evil is an illusion, it is a painful one and it is therefore false that evil is nothing but an illusion.’ The second approach being that all disease or suffering is a just punishment from God can also be challenged. D.Z. Phillips asks, â€Å"What then are we to say of the child that is dying from cancer?,† surely this cannot be deserved. The third approach seems much more feasible, and has some grounds in Islam. But is disease caused by angels who come down to earth and wreak havoc due to their abuse of free-will? This view by Platinga is one that has no basis in Islam. Islam has provided us with a synthesis of these views. As stated before, for the non-believer it can be punishment, for the believer it can be a test of faith or a purification of sins. It is also true that a world without suffering would render our purpose of life null. Disease also serves to emphasise, through contrast, good health. Thus it allows us to appreciate our times of good health more. Eternal hell is mentioned several times in the Quran and Muslims thus believe that some people will go to hell for eternity. Yet it is seen that this does not contradict Allah’s mercy for several key reasons. Allah is the most merciful but only to those who actively go about seeking his mercy, for Allah only helps those who help themselves. One who disobeys Allah’s orders cannot be expected to be shown as much mercy as those who are good Muslims. And yet it is not as if Allah has left us without direction and guidance. Every man and woman instinctively knows the difference between right and wrong, there are enough signs leading to Allah for â€Å"those who think and reflect† and Allah has sent down many prophets and scriptures to guide mankind. Any deviation is thus out of man’s own arrogance and thus should be punished deservingly. Hell for the sinners is also justice to those who did good in life, for if those that lived for the pleasures of the worldly life too went to heaven this would be a grave injustice to the pious amongst us. As opposite’s, heaven and hell serve to emphasise each other. Thus the prospect of hell acts as a deterrent preventing many from doing wrong and thus making the world a better place. Socrates goes one step further claiming that heaven comes from hell, â€Å"opposites come from opposites in the case of things which have an opposite.† Although the words of Socrates seem somewhat extreme, taken in a less literal sense, what he says has bearing on all that which we have discussed; Death, disease and hell. We may ask our selves, would there be death without life? Or would there be disease without good health? Or would there be hell without heaven? All of which Allah has bestowed upon us creating a perfect natural balance. Bibliography An introduction to the philosophy of religion by Brian Davies Islam by Rosalyn Kendrick Islamic Teaching Course, volume one by the IPCI Meezan Al-Hikmah volume 1,4 and 5(in Arabic) by Mohammed Shahristany Plato’s Phaedo by Plato Philosophy of Religion by John Hick Summa Theologiae by Aquinas The translation of the Holy Quran by Yusuf Ali Holy Quran, 9;38 Holy Quran, 67;3 Holy Quran, 2;157 Holy Quran, 42;31 Holy Quran, 57;23 Holy Quran, 24;62 Holy Quran, 2;11 Holy Quran, 3;186, 21;36, 29;58 Holy Quran, 3;155 Hick, J., Philosophy of Religion, p128 Holy Quran, 36;78-83 Holy Quran, 6;37 Holy Quran, 3;170 Holy Quran, 3;186 Holy Quran, 23;100 Holy Quran, 39;43 Aquinas, Summa Theologiae, Ia, 13,5. Davies, B., An Introduction to the Philosophy of Religion, 37 Ibid,37 Gallop (ed.), Plato’s Phaedo, 17ff

Monday, September 16, 2019

Swift vs. Machiavelli: Government

Swift vs. Machiavelli: Government Brandi Barnes We’ve all heard of governments over the years—anarchy, dictatorship, communism—who ruled with a firm hand and a blind eye. To be frank, some were just ruthless. But how do they lead? Strong? Weak? Or a little of both? Machiavelli’s purpose: how to rule in a manner that shows power and how to instill that power over the people swiftly. Swift’s purpose: recognize the kind of cold, calculating inhumanity of blunt rationalism when used to address social problems such as poverty as well as overpopulation.In â€Å"The Morals of the Prince,† he is somewhat encouraging the rulers to be harsh, but also be generous to show that he can give and take away because he has the authority. On the contrary, â€Å"A Modest Proposal† is stating that the coldness of turning a blind eye to the situation is one of inhumanity. To begin with, both prove their cases very differently, affecting their audience in th e most profound ways. Yet, there is one more effective than the other—Swift.Through the entire satirical piece, Swift is mocking the heartless attitude towards the poor. The wealth of a country is based on one thing: the poverty of the majority of its citizens. The English government was well aware of the two situations pointed out in this essay, yet they chose to sit there and do nothing about it. Instead, they withdraw their natural rights and dehumanize them by viewing them as a commodity.Swift’s comment– â€Å"That it will prevent those voluntary abortions, and that horrid practice of women murdering their bastard children†Ã¢â‚¬â€is one of the ways he shows the government taking away a natural right each mother has, but then goes on to say, â€Å"I doubt more to avoid the expense than the shame† to show how the government yet again is well aware of the dire situation, but they instead supported it by paying her to get rid of her child. Shiftin g into a new perspective, Machiavelli’s view towards the government is somewhat a paradoxical one.With each statement he makes, he presents is well; then contradicts. â€Å"He may make examples of very few, but he will be more merciful in reality than those who, in their tenderheartedness, allow disorders to occur,† this shows Machiavelli’s perspective on the government; saying that the one showing the consequences to the people know what happen if they disobeyed him instills that bit of fear, and that he will be more successful than a leader who is never stern and allows the people to walk all over him.By showing this certain authority, it ties back into his main purpose of establishing and maintaining power throughout their reign. To wrap things together, both Machiavelli and Swift are using a serious tone to present the same underlying topic: the government ruling. One is mocking it by showing how they pay money to have these children and help their families and the other is saying rule in a harsh but generous manner.In a plethora of ways, â€Å"A Modest Proposal† is exemplification to Machiavelli’s views on how to be an effective leader, but also contradicts on saying that some those exact views listed in â€Å"The Morals of a Prince† is inhuman and heartless. Swift directs his focal point to just that of poverty and overpopulation, allowing us to see a broader reasoning behind his mocking tone towards the government as opposed to Machiavelli using an array of examples. Through both readings, they present and utilize their sole purposes for writing them. Despite their contradictions, they are still very similar to one another.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Dr. Albert Ellis Essay

Dr. Albert Ellis became known for setting frontiers in the field of psychology. He questioned many age-old beliefs throughout his career and tried to prove each of them with theories. His expertise expounded on human sexuality, psychoanalysis, ad cognitive behavioral psychotherapy. The focus that he gave in sexology and sexuality led to many publications and teachings accountable to him. It is not surprising so that he subscribed to Freudian ideologies. Among his more popular studies was the Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy or REBT. REBT focused on the role of the mind in directing emotions. It specified that the mindset of people is what transforms into emotions. In return, these reactions become basis for future feelings and actions. Ellis assumed with his theories that psychology patients will get better faster and the treatments will be easier if they cooperate and have a change of mind as most of what makes negative emotions are wrong assumptions. By stopping oneself from making demands that cannot be easily satisfied and by being realistic, negative emotions and most problems can be resolved. This focus on cognitive behavior expounded many earlier studies on the area which lacked the focus it needed. Thus, Ellis was dubbed as the Most Influential Psychologist by psychologists and counselors in America and Europe. (Dr. Albert Ellis, 2006) In his death he left a legacy of intelligence. This intelligence helped and will continue to help millions of individuals who remain bothered by life issues that are mainly caused by wrong perceptions. Thus, this legacy was not for Ellis’ alone but for all practitioners and patients who will benefit in his work. INTRODUCTION As shown in many biographies and stories made out of the life of Dr. Albert Ellis, it was evident that a powerful influence was left to him by Freudian ideologies. He had many works that referred most especially to the human sexuality. In his lifetime, he was also able to maintain two consecutive marriages which definitely peppered reality into his many works and theories on sexology. (A brief biography of Dr. Albert Ellis, 2005) As Freud would have it he was also into psychoanalysis. He had a different way of studying the human mind—how it functions and how other bodily functions relate to it. Of his many works sexuality and psychoanalysis were the focal point of most and of which he became better known. (A brief biography of Dr. Albert Ellis, 2005) It’s all in the mind We perceive pain only when we already know that an occurrence or action causes pain. We become sad only when we know that something is saddening. These negative thoughts and feelings come from the mind. The mind is very powerful and it can dictate the whole body on how to behave. It can likewise tell the mind how to think and perceive things. Thus, how a person thinks affects how he feels. Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy was created by Ellis in 1955. The theory found its way to a treatment method. It became possible with the thought that patients will get better faster if they change their way of thinking. The mind, it says, can cure. (Albert Ellis and Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy, 2006) For instance, a patient of depression can get out from his bouts by going to the cause of his depression and changing his reaction about it. Besides, depression as Ellis taught happens when the person convinces himself that the state of his person is not what it should be and rather should be another. These irrational idealisms cause worries and frustrations which leads to depression. (REBT by Dr. Albert Ellis, n. d. ) In concurrence, a neurotic, Ellis specifies, can get out of his neuroses by stopping it. Thus, Ellis promotes that the mind dictates what the body’s state will be especially when it comes to emotions. Ellis’ theory stresses that reactions to a certain event, state, or occurrence identifies the overall feeling of a person towards it. (REBT by Dr. Albert Ellis, n. d. ) Therefore, a person can alter his view of it by either changing the way in which he perceives it or convincing him to do so. When a person successfully does this, it will be easier for him to overcome his negative feelings and be more optimistic. Optimism then leads to a better outlook in life. Ellis psychology: Different psychology In its prime, Ellis’ schools of thought differed from the others at that it puts emphasis on different factors that are otherwise overlooked by other theories. Its combination of highlight points allowed these overlooked factors to be studied through this single theory. These factors include emphasis on early childhood, deep philosophical change and scientific thinking. (REBT by Dr. Albert Ellis, n. d. ) While these factors have been studied long before Ellis’ time, it was only through the focus that Ellis gave that the factors were brought together in a homogenous fashion yet for the resolution of a single objective. The objective here is to change the way of the pessimistic mind and create a mindset that will make it easy for a person to accept events that come his way and understand how to deal with them. The theory states that events which happen during the early childhood years drastically affect the state of mind of a person. The more negative these years were, the more pessimistic the person will likely get. Deep philosophical change is another factor. This is the one which changes the mindset of the person. By changing a person’s philosophy in life he can become at peace with his self and the things that happen to him. In changing his life’s philosophy a person may have to deal into scientific thinking as well. Here there will be no vague inexplicable thoughts and idealisms but rather specifics that can be explained and help the person understand himself and his ordeals. These three measures spell the difference between self-defeat and self-winning. The self can only be won by being rational. By these one explains to himself and understands that everything happens (or do not happen) for a reason. To be rational is to be realistic. When one leaves in a too idealistic or fantasy world is to deny oneself of the opportunity to win over situations. Being rational is a pre-requisite to being free, happy, and optimistic. The ABC and the Musts Ellis’ theory also developed the three ABCs which pose as the blueprint of emotions. The three includes the start of things (A), the beliefs of the person about the thing (B), and the reaction of the person about the thing (C). According to the process, every person’s ordeal has a beginning. It may be from the immediate time or from a distant past. It may be from his immediate surrounding or from a past neighborhood or workplace. Whenever or wherever that beginning may be, the fact is that there is a start. (What is REBT? , 2006) From the beginning of a situation a person starts to associate with it his personal beliefs and the beliefs that he form in concurrence to outside factors such as family and friends. These beliefs are developed from many different things, and so it is guaranteed that two persons under the same situation may have differing beliefs toward it. In connection, these beliefs affect the reaction that the person gives into the situation. As an example, a person who wants to get into a certain job position into a company he so much dreams of may feel very positive about applying, taking the application tests, and attending the interviews. He prepares for it and makes sure nothing comes between him and his dream of getting his dream job; and then he fails. He did not get the job. This person will most likely believe that he does not deserve the failure because he prepared so much for everything. This belief will lead to a reaction of anger and resentment. But when following the Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy, he will put off the grief and focus on future things that he can do—apply in other companies or improve on himself to take on the opportunity of re-application. This is the essence of REBT. The negative feelings that become reactions are often brought about by Musts. These are the assumed expectations of a person that when he fails to achieve can greatly give him negative thoughts and feelings. A person always feel he must do well and win the approval of others, that other people must be fair, kind, and true to him, that he must get what he wants when he want it. This spoiled-brat syndrome often leads to failed expectations. (What is REBT? , 2006) Getting away from thoughts that include these Musts allow one to be realistic. Sources say that these unrealistic demands when given up will solve 80% of a person’s problems. (What is REBT? Introduction, explanation, and application, 2007) This highlights that problems arise from the mindset of a person. A problem becomes so if the person perceives that this thing is really a crisis and so if he will think that it is not a dilemma then it will not pose itself as a predicament. Benefits of rational thinking Being realistic, people say, will save one from the hurts of disillusionment and broken fantasies. The same works with the theories presented by Ellis. Rational thinking bases itself on reality. Thus, it allows a person to be bound with facts. As it helps one overcome tribulations, it promotes a more positive self and mindset. Apart from this, there are other advantages brought about by Ellis’ theory. There is the accomplishment of goals, creation of manageable emotions, and promotion of behavior that allows survival. First, REBT allows one to achieve his goals and purposes. When a person has goals and purposes in life it may be overshadowed by negative feelings and wrong beliefs and reactions. Rational thinking can take these away. Being in touch with reality will keep one collected. Secondly, reality creates emotions that one can handle. Because he perceives things realistically, everything that he may experience will be almost expected. Thus the outpour of emotions will be controllable. Of course, the emotions cannot be stopped. Yet, he will be able ti handle them accordingly and still think clear to be on top of the situation. Lastly, being in touch with reality helps one behave in ways that promote aims and survival. The person who follows Ellis’ school of thought have clear aims in life and the enthusiasm to achieve them They are also survivors. They do not know how to quit because they know that there are other things that they are worth for. (What is REBT? Introduction, explanation, and application, 2007) The impact Dr. Albert Ellis’ works paved the way to modern thoughts in psychology which were specific and focused. It also set a new era for psychological therapy and views on cognitive behavior. Apart from these works on emotive behavioral therapy, Ellis also had studies on sexuality that also influenced that field of study. Freud’s work was on his armament, but he made progress by deriving from the scholar inspiration for fresh studies rather than repetition of old studies. With the works of Dr. Ellis studies on emotive behavior therapy became prominently based on the mindset of the person. Because the theory was very consistent to the results on many studies, many counselors subscribed to the idea and used it to treat their patients. It then became possible to treat patients easily because counselors had a process to follow—tracing the beginnings of the problem, modifying the beliefs of the person, and expectedly the change in his reaction. Dr. Ellis was able to think out of the box. He moved away from the generalities and devised new studies that created new methodologies for psychotherapy. This changed the way in which psychology operated. It made the work easier for doctors and patients alike. These outstanding works gave Dr. Ellis the brand for being the Most Influential Psychologist by American and European practitioners alike. (Dr. Albert Ellis, 2006) Being influential is not nomenclature alone for Dr. Ellis. He embodies the influential psychologist, with published and well-publicized breakthroughs in psychology. These influence that the doctor made helped the field of psychology propel and become what it is now. Definitely, psychology could have not been the same. CONCLUSION Psychology is a never-ending process of learning how the minds of people work. The mindset of people changes through time. It is therefore understandable why psychologists are working endlessly. This has been how Dr. Albert Ellis lived his career. The quest of Dr. Ellis to find the explanations to many of psychoanalysis’ questions wee the inspirations that he had to create studies that gave birth to sexology and emotive behavior therapy, rather old schools of thought that were given new concepts. Best of all, Dr. Ellis made his studies so thoroughly and among well-chosen populations. His works were lauded. His work saved many lives. It is evident that Ellis’ works were greatly influenced by his strong orientation of the works of Sigmund Freud. Known for thoughts and theories on human sexuality and psychoanalysis, Freud was also popular for many studies on the area. In his time, Ellis’ achieved the same level of integrity in psychological studies, albeit not the worldwide fame that Freud has achieved. However, his works were at par with that of the inspiring scholar from which he based many of his beliefs. His seriousness in his theories and studies may also be the one for which his own sexuality can be based, especially that he entered into two consecutive marriages. It will not be surprising to think that these marriages have influenced his concepts on human sexuality which in turn inspired his studies and theories. The good thing, however, is that Ellis’ confidently challenged existing ideologies, which enriched psychology. Through them, psychology has now advanced forward. Though Dr. Ellis, the mind became the cure for its own predicaments. References A brief biography of dr. albert ellis. 2005. Retrieved October 23, 2007, from http://www. rebt. ws/albertellisbiography. html Albert Ellis and Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy. 2006. Retrieved October 23, 2007, from http://www. rebtnetwork. org/whois. html Dr. Albert Ellis. 2006. Retrieved October 23, 2007, from http://www. rebtnetwork. org/ REBT by Dr. Albert Ellis. n. d. Retrieved October 23, 2007, from http://www. rebt. cc/_wsn/page11. html What is REBT? 2006. Retrieved October 23, 2007, from http://www. rebtnetwork. org/whatis. html What is REBT? Introduction, explanation, and application. 2007. Retrieved October 23, 2007, from http://www. rebt. ws/REBT%20explained. htm

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Discuss in Scholarly Detail the Benefits and Risks Associated with Strategic Management Essay

Strategic management allows organizations to be more proactive than reactive and to initiate and influence internal and external activities to gain control over its own destiny. It allows executives at all levels to participate in analyzing a firm’s current practices in order to formulate and implement shorter and longer term strategies for growth and development. Historically, this participative approach has produced better results. Another benefit of strategic management has been to formulate better strategies through the use of the more systematic and proven methodologies. Organizations of all sizes have recognized and realized the benefits of strategic management. While financial benefits include increased sales, profitability and productivity, non-Financial benefits include, better understanding of competitor’s strategies and reduced resistance to change across the organization. Strategic planning with risk awareness has always been difficult. According to Rick Funston & Bob Ruprecht (, Success demands excellent risk management as a core competency. Risk intelligence enables an organization to respond to rapidly changing circumstances with greater agility and resilience. Risk handled well becomes a source of competitive advantage; handled poorly it can severely hamper a company’s prospects. The greater the risk, the less complacent organization can afford to be. More often executives who are responsible for strategic planning lack an integrated view of risk due to the unavailability of business intelligence when needed. Many organizations fail to consider a range of time horizons when incorporating risk considerations into the planning process resulting in uncertainty down the chain-of-command with each expanding time horizon. Unavailability of an integrated decision-support framework that links key performance metrics with business and risk intelligence multiplies the risks exponentially.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Essential Equipments in the Healthcare of Patients Essay

Essential Equipments in the Healthcare of Patients - Essay Example According to the paper the type of questionnaire to be used showed consist of direct questions relevant to the study topic. The questionnaire is supposed to clearly tally views and bring about a reasonable argument at the end of the study period. The study should be able to capture a multitude of observation and present results that can be use even in future analysis as it examine trends that are used to predict the future this is in respect to patients and their spiritual beliefs as well as perceptions.This study discusses that some of the people the author of the report interviewed were not comfortable with the questions that the reporter asked them. Patients who are ignorant and do not have any ideas on the importance of spiritual beliefs are supposed to be included in the study as it stipulates the challenges facing patients in relation to spiritual beliefs. The challenges encountered in my study in this case include: lack of knowledge in the benefits of keeping a spiritual histo ry. Lack of adequate time in the analysis was an issue. Finally, misunderstanding of questions in the study. The result of these challenges is, the data provided is not 100% of actual truth. Majority of the people, roughly 96%, felt the importance of spiritual health. The lack of experience and knowledge in spiritual history was one of the major barriers to the study.  Spiritual assessment tools are essential equipments in the healthcare of patients. They help to cope with stress and illness as they are used in their recognition.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Politics - public policy Outline Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Politics - public policy - Outline Example The third stage is characterized by the solving the problem is demanding both in terms of finance and in sacrificing our comfort. In some cases, the issue can be solved by advances in technology without sacrificing our comfort but in other cases, especially in social problem, such sacrifices may be necessary and this form part of the third stage. Realizing the cost of the solution to the problem leads to a gradual decline in public interest in solving the problem. This gradual decline which result from some member of the public feeling threatened by the cost of the solution, other becoming discouraged and yet others overcome by boredom, constitute the fourth stage in the cycle. The final stage in the cycle is characterized by lesser attention or occasional interest in the problem by the problem. For a social problem to pass through these five stages it must have three characteristics. In the first place, relatively only a numerical minority suffers from the problem. Second, a majorit y or powerful minority benefit from the existence of the problem. Third, the problem is intrinsically unexciting.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Individual Paper(Gold Mining Company-Vale) Essay

Individual Paper(Gold Mining Company-Vale) - Essay Example Vale SA is also considered as the largest producer of nickel metal. Vale is a company that also produces copper, ferroalloys, manganese, kaolin, bauxite, potash, aluminum, as well as alumina. Under the electronic energy sector, Vale SA participates in a consortium that currently operates approximately 9 hydroelectric power projects (Anac and Gozen, 2003). Currently, the shares of the company are trading in the stock markets of New York, Paris, Sao Paulo, Madrid, as well as Hong Kong. The ownership of this company is found in the form 20-A US SEC. A smaller portion of this company is under the ownership of the Brazilian government. Another significant portion of the company’s shares is held by the Brazilian national pension fund. Agtmael (2007) explains that the foreign activities of Vale SA are always based on the Cayman Islands. This is because the Island is a tax haven for multinational companies operating in it. This paper analyzes the financial position of Vale SA in the eyes of an investor who is out to acquire the company. In analyzing the financial position of this company, the researcher will use the tools of financial analysis, and this includes the use of financial ratios. In interpreting the financial performance of this company, the researcher will also analyze the micro-economic performance of the company, as well as its global performance. This paper uses the financial statement of Vale Mining Company, for the year 2013. Vale SA was an organization that was owned by the Brazilian government, until 1997 when the company was privatized. In 2001, the company developed a plan of diversifying its operations that made it to transform into a big mining company. However, Agtmael (2007) denotes that the company has not managed to diversify its activities beyond the production of iron ore, and other related metals. Sagebien (2011) goes on to denote that Vale SA is the

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Strategic and Change Management and HRM (NESTLE Company Assignment

Strategic and Change Management and HRM (NESTLE Company - Assignment Example For the marketing function to be successful, all the marketing aspects of the marketing function must be effectively executed and coordinated. The marketing mix elements include Product, Place, Price and Promotion. Product refers to the characteristics of the product and brands which is likely to give or deny the organization a competitive advantage. Price refers to the pricing regime and how it compares to the competition with regards to getting customers to purchase more. Place refers to the the distribution strategy. Channels of distribution must enable the organization to get its products to the target customers. Lastly, promotion refers to efforts by the organization to get customers to purchase more of its products. Such efforts include advertisements and other sales promotion efforts such as discounts and giving out coupons redeemable against company’s products among others efforts. Nestle brand portfolio is spread across almost every food and beverage portfolio, with consumers having a choice of different kinds of products and services. Some of the food and beverage categories covered by Nestle include baby foods, bottled water, cereals, chocolate and confectionery, dairy and frozen food. So wide and vast is Nestle UK & Ireland offering that it is estimated that about 97 per cent of UK households consume one or more of Nestle products such as Nescafe, Kit Kat, Buxton and Smarties, while about two billion of Nestle products are sold in the U.K every year (Nestle, 2014). This just shows how widespread usage the product enjoys. It is thus easy to see why Nestle is the most dominant brand in the food and wellness industry. Its expansive product lines mean that it is almost possible that someone at any given time will be having a choice between buying a Nestle product and that of the competition. Besides, the sales of Nestle products have been impressive with good profits being posted. The challenge the firm faces now is to

Public Policy Initiative Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Public Policy Initiative - Essay Example Another important factor is the rapid population growth which contributes more to the economic problem of scarcity and towards the selection of a public policy that has to fairly deal with all the related aspects. The next major aspect to be considered while designing a policy is the context of job development in the ever increasing global society. This containment should not only fulfill the white collar attitude instead it should look forth on a relatively larger scale thus improving upon efficiency and equity. The main critic on this approach is that in a perfectly competitive environment there can be a case that a firm might enable itself to drive away all other competitors thereby becoming a natural monopoly is an exception owing to the absence of the required many sellers that would set the so-called invisible hand of competition in motion1. To our concern and knowledge Adam Smith's laissez faire theory relies on this hidden hand to attain efficiency in markets. Why it is important is just because in an ideally competitive economy every firm tries to maximize social profits i.e. the concept of deriving maximum utility out of each resource or profit maximization, this could be called as the net benefits consumers and producers receive from participation in markets. Why to support Weimer and Vining is because there are a number of factors that make the Free Market approach much more effective than (government) regulated markets. They are; Production-motivation/Capital-attraction this means that there are just adequate monetary remunerations that make these economic agents to fulfill the customer demand at a desired price and this is well termed as the production-motivation. Through this approach, the supplier tends to keep on producing the desired product and eventually he tries to expand the scale for further remuneration thereby adding more to his incentives for profit maximization that is achieved by "economies of scale". Efficiency2 ensures that goods & services are provided at the lowest possible cost. Again, the concept is that the supplier tries to minimize cost and maximize sustainable profit. Demand Control & Consumer Rationing is essential to avoid waste of resources, this means that the market system can effectively limit consumption by individuals and only those who can afford enjoy the fruits. But this well leads to a failure as well because the market system fails to provide with some necessities that are termed as public goods as these do not provide with any fruitful remuneration to the producer so they are avoided within the market constraint. The rationing mechanism however allows the level of prices to achieve what economists call as the only real economic function of prices that have the ability to influence the

Monday, September 9, 2019

Operation management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Operation management - Assignment Example It is situated close to the road but with a great accessibility that is leveled by a wider opening based on its position (Ruffa, 2008). There are two gates that allow for exit and entrance without inconveniencing the other. It is spacious and the loading areas are well marked out to avoid any delays or confusions during delivery or loading. The zoning schemes in this particular area are also conducive for the establishment of such a high-powered delivery and loading of the tires which imply that we can maximize the 5000 kg average load per day and become the best supplier in the area. Qn 2: This is a Chevrolet car matrix 400 (also known as Chevrolet Nova) that was manufactured in 1964 after the major companies during this era began restructuring and changing their trends. This car was one of the best at the time with its features being unrivalled by other competitors. It was considered an executive car with four doors and a sedan style to complement its features. It has a front engin e with rear-wheel drive. Its engine has a capacity 3179 cc with a 106 horsepower capacity. It has a three gear manual gear-box and a single barrel carburetor (Huntimer, 2009). This can be contrasted with 2009 Tata Nano Car from India which can be said to be of a higher quality. The car, pictured below, has been in production since 2008 to the present with improvements being made on a daily basis to make sure it attracts as many buyers as possible outdoing other competitors in the market. It is classified as a city car with a four-door one-box body style. Its engine is a 2 cylinder SOHC petrol Bosch multipoint fuel injection with a 624 cc capacity. Its trunk is accessible only from the inside with one windscreen wiper compared to Chevrolet’s pair. Its engine is in the rear compared to the Chevrolet’s which is at the front. It has a 38-metric horse power with two valves per cylinder overhead camshaft. It is similar to the Chevrolet in the fact that it has a rear wheel dr ive but differs in the fact that it has a 4-speed manual transmission. It is also more advanced in its options in the area of the engine compartment with the compressed air engine offering more avenues through which the user will save (Witzel, 2010). Further, the rear suspension has an independent coil spring that allows for safety all the time. It is fuel efficient, making it a car that one can operate comfortably within the city. Its small body makes it easier to maneuver within the city center with the traffic jams being considered. Qn 3: To calculate EMV, given the probabilities, total cost is worked from both the fixed costs, quantities and variable cost. This approach would give the best approach to use. It is should therefore, be the approach that gives us the  ­lowest total costs. Total cost = fixed costs + quantity x variable cost: Method probability Fixed cost($) quantity Variable cost($) Total cost($) Low tech 0.2 45,000 200,000 0.55 45,000+(200,000*0.55)=155,000 Low te ch 0.5 45,000 200,000 0.50 45,000+(200,000*0.50)=145,000 Low tech 0.3 45,000 200,000 0.45 45,000+(200,000*0.45)=135,000 Medium tech 0.7 65,000 200,000 0.45 65,000+(200,000*0.45)=155,000 Medium tech 0.2 65,000 200,000 0.40 65,000+(200,000*0.40)=145,000 Medium tech 0.1 65,000 200,000 0.35 65,000+(200,000*0.35)=135,000 High tech 0.9 75,000 200,000 0.40 75,000+(200,000*0.4